Thursday 5 August 2010

dear katy perry...

I'm trying to write a dissertation, so please show some consideration and stop annoying me.

When you came up with this, I was mildly amused.

This was a bit worse, and I don't really understand why you're naked and rolling in candy either, but whatever.

But this? Really? 'You're so gay and you don't even like boys'? 'I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf while jacking off listening to Mozart'? 'You bitch and moan about LA wishing you were in the rain reading Hemingway'? 'I can't believe I fell in love with someone that wears more makeup than...'? So you use 'gay' as a derogatory term. You think anyone who would rather read a book than jump around naked on a beach (or a candy cloud) must have serious issues. You're offended if anyone finds classical music more inspiring than your video for 'I kissed a girl'. And men who would have been described as 'metrosexual' in the early noughties seem to make you uncomfortable. That cracks me up. You realise you're engaged to Russel Brand, yes?

Who AREN'T you bashing? You're silly and unnecessarily offensive. Please shut up.

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