Monday 25 October 2010

Fat Talk Free Week

So apparently, it's Fat Talk Free Week. The aim is to shift towards a more constructive dialogue on body image, in order to challenge eating disorders and other harmful consequences of people being socialised to be dissatisfied with their bodies. So for Fat Talk Free Week, the idea is that you pledge not to engage in "fat talk" -- that is, in talk that reinforces the ultimately damaging idea that there is a "right" size and look. The webpage describes "fat talk" as:

Examples of fat talk may include: “I’m so fat,” “Do I look fat in this?” “I need to lose 10 pounds” and “She’s too fat to be wearing that swimsuit.” Statements that are considered fat talk don’t necessarily have to be negative; they can seem positive yet also reinforce the need to be thin – “You look great! Have you lost weight?”

This sounds just amazing, y'all. I'm totally signing up.



  1. Please could you spread this message to the super skinny girls I'm about to see now at ballett class and who're always complaining about their bodies?
    There should be more of these activities which would teach people how to view their bodies in a normal undistorted way!

  2. I think it's important to spread this message to everyone. Perhaps you could introduce the idea to your ballet class -- that sounds a great idea.

    However, I think that while Fat Talk Free week seems to be aimed primarily at negativity about being "too big", it's also important to think constructively about negativity about people being "super skinny". That is, we all get pressured to be the "right size", and it's important to challenge that. For some, body image might be more meaningful if it also includes a challenge to the idea that they are "too skinny". Does that make sense?
